TOP 3 Common Puppy Accidents and How to Prevent Them?

Because of their explorative nature, puppies are endlessly curious and interested in every little detail around them. Unfortunately, more often than not, that curiosity gets them in trouble.

Part of being a responsible puppy owner is predicting what type of trouble your puppy may fall into and find a way to prevent it. To make things easier and simpler, we have compiled a list of the top 3 common puppy accidents and some tips on how to prevent them.

  1. Electric shock

Although dogs of all ages love to chew, puppies excel in this activity. By chewing they massage their gums and relieve the pain caused by the changing teeth. The problem is that puppies are not very picky about what to chew. Sometimes that includes electric wires and cords. In fact, chewing on electric cords is the most common cause of electrocution in puppies. The consequences vary from minor burns to shutdown of vital organs and even death.

To prevent your puppy from chewing cables, you must divert his attention from them. The best solution would be to keep the electric cords out of reach by lifting them off the floor. If that is not possible, try to keep the electric cords out of your puppy’s sight by covering them with furniture pieces. The best and affordable solution is to have all electric cords covered with Protecto wire protectors chew-proof strong polyvinyl tubes. You can also discourage your puppy from chewing by sprinkling anti-chew sprays on the cords but it's not the safest option for your furry friends.

  1. Dog bites

Maybe your puppy is always friendly, playful and affectionate, but unfortunately that may not be the case with other dogs at the park. Some dogs are less friendly and can easily attack, even if unprovoked. Other dogs may be less patient and find your puppy’s playful joy irritating. All in all, dogs can either warn your puppy to back off or physically attack it without manifesting warning signs.

To prevent your puppy from getting dog bites, always check with the other dog’s owner if it is ok to introduce your dogs. If it is ok, make the introduction in a calm and neutral environment. Even if it looks like the two togs get along well, do not leave them unsupervised.

Tip: Observe the dog’s behavior and watch for warning signs of biting – tense body, stiff tail, erected ears, staring and baring teeth.

  1. Poisoning

Part of the puppy’s curiosity is to sniff and taste almost anything in its environment. That includes garbage, cleaning fluids, detergents, mothballs and certain household plants. Some human foods and drinks (raisins, alcoholic drinks, coffee, chewing gums) and human medicines (painkillers like aspirin) can also be toxic for dogs.

To prevent your dog from getting hold of things that can be harmful:

  • Keep the garbage cans covered
  • Put the plants on high, unreachable places
  • Store all the household chemicals in a lockable cupboard
  • Put your medicines out of the puppy’s reach and never give it human medicines without consulting with your vet
  • Before giving your dog human foods, check if they are safe.